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Privacy and Security Settings

A breakdown of the settings available in the "Privacy and Security Settings" section.

Location access

Enable permission for websites to request access to device location. When off, all requests are automatically denied.

Block 3rd party cookies

Block cookies saved by a website other than the one you are currently on.

Save your passwords

Allows the Android system to show an autocomplete dropdown below password fields.

Request 'Do Not Track'

Notifies website that you don't want to be tracked. Most websites don't follow this, it can cause crashes and can actually make the browser easier to track.

Remov identifying HTTP headers

Hides the fact you're browsing using SmartCookieWeb from websites you visit. May cause crashes due to a WebView bug.

Allow WebRTC permission requests

Allows websites to ask for permission to use the microphone and camera.

Always act like private mode

Automatically clears all browser data on exit.

Prefer HTTPS site versions

Redirects you to the HTTPS version of a site if one is available.

Block non-HTTPS sites

Redirects you to the HTTPS version of a site if one is available, and if not blocks the site from loading.

Block malicious sites

Blocks access to known malicious sites.